
Monday, October 17, 2011

Philosophies On Life

    As I was with a friend on a date this past Saturday, we got to talking about philosophies on life. I thought the conversation was worth repeating, so I'm blogging about it! :P

     I had an epiphany when I was a young teen. As I looked around myself (while in middle school), I saw all the hurt and confusion that the world held. I found myself uncomfortable because of the lack of concern that kids had for others. 90% of the student body was concerned about looking cool, and in turn, many feelings were stepped on and relationships were severed.

Then it hit me.

    Cultures act differently. Different sexes deal with issues in different ways. Material possessions are more important to some than others. Different age groups care about different fads, but among all these differences, one thing remains constant. Every single person, no matter who they are, wants to feel loved and cared about.

    Aristotle had a similar philosophy. He believed that the root of all we do is happiness. If we do something, we do it to ultimately gain happiness.

    Let's take an example: You brush your teeth every night. Why? It's a burden and it takes away time that could be used doing others things that would bring you instant pleasure. Well, in the long run, you have cleaner teeth that won't cause pain; you don't get nagged by your parents; and that girl that you like might actually kiss you.

    Speaking of girls, my date, Amber LeBaron, had a great philosophy too. She said she likes to think about the fact that everyone is trying their hardest. I agree with this. In one aspect or another of every person's life, they are trying their hardest to do their best. More of their time and effort might go into one thing or another, but they are trying their hardest and putting forth energy. This is why it's so important not to judge one another. We also don't know what their circumstances are and what they're personally going through.

Anyways, this was my thought for the week.

Everyone wants to be loved.

Everyone is trying their best.

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